Time to Get Ready for Summer With a Pair of Stylish Sunglasses

Time to Get Ready for Summer With a Pair of Stylish Sunglasses

When packing for your summer getaway, don’t forget to introduce a pair of fashion forward sunglasses into your essentials. Sunglasses offer much needed protection to one of the body’s most vulnerable parts; eyes. Along with eye protection against harmful UV rays, they also create an opportunity to make a fashion statement.

Whether cruising with the top down or spending time by the beach, here’s a list of the most stylish sunglasses to sport this summer season;

Introduce an Aviator

The classic Rayban Aviator sunglasses

The Ray-ban aviator design was built in late 1930’s for the US Air Force to protect the pilots’ eyes from glare, without compromising on their visual acuity. It’s summer 2022 and Aviators are still one of the most sought after sunglasses. You can wear this classic style in a slim gold frame for an elegant vibe. This unisex shape can add a little oomph to any soft summer look. 

Cat eye sunglasses

Cat eye sunglasses can instantly add a dash of glamour to any look. They are extremely femenine and classy. These sunglasses were 1st seen on the lovely Audrey Hepburn in the film ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’, and since then have been a popular choice of sunglasses for women.

Stylish Cateye sunglasses

Geometric frames 

For anyone looking to add a little edge to the breezy summer fabrics and prints, introduce a pair of geometric sunglasses. The interesting shapes add bold quirkiness to your overall look, giving you a fashion forward approach to keeping your eyes UV protected. Geometric frames in sunglasses aren’t the most common, so get ready to stand out from the crowd in these interesting frames.

Bigger Is Better

The classic oversized sunglasses never go out of style. Not only do they maximize protection of the delicate under eye area, but they also make a bold fashion statement. We suggest pairing a neutral shade with this statement shape to enhance any summer outfit. Oversized sunglasses come in many shapes with round and square being the most common. No matter which shape you choose, make sure your sunglasses have polarized lenses and offer both UV and glare protection. Visit Courts Optical eye care store for polarized sunglasses in Dominica.

Polarized sunglasses for glare protection

Mirrored Lenses

Sunglasses with mirrored lenses come in a wide variety of colours so you will definitely find something that suits your personal style. For those cool Instagram pictures, give mirrored sunglasses a go. They are stylish, chic and glamorous. Whether to accessorize your OOTD for a pleasant brunch or a relaxing day by the beach, mirrored sunglasses will not fail to enhance your look.

Drop by at your closest Courts Optical eye care store for a great selection of branded sunglasses in Dominica. With the sheer amount of colours, shapes and materials to experiment with, add some spice to your summer while keeping the eyes safe with stylish sunglasses.

Location: Dominica

Five Ways to Care For Your Contact Lenses

Five Ways to Care For Your Contact Lenses

Switching from the traditional eyeglasses to contact lenses? Well, it’s pretty evident that you have a lot of questions on how to take care of your contact lenses. If you are in the process of transitioning from eyeglasses to contact lenses, then you’re in the right place. A good place to start would be to do some R&D and understand what is required to make the switch. Read up on tips to care for your lenses to avoid eye infections and other relatively serious issues that may crop up due to improper use.

Proper contact lens use and maintenance

Here are some of the things you can do to care for and maintain the quality and efficiency of your contact lenses.  

  • Hygiene
  • Lens care routine
  • Replacement as per prescription
  • Never use tap water to clean your lenses
  • Use disinfecting solutions
  • Change the solution everyday
  • Don’t swap the lenses.
  • Store them in a proper lens case
  • Always use fresh solution  

1. Hygiene

Needless to say, this is one of the most important care tips when it comes to contact lenses. Always wash and dry your hands before handling your contact lenses. Your hands should be clean and free of any viruses or bacteria as this can find its way into your eyes, causing mild to severe eye infections. Wash your hands with soap and wipe them on a soft fabric before touching your lenses. Refrain from using moisturizers, body lotions or other cosmetics before touching your lenses as this can easily transfer to the lens and can cause burning and irritation in the eyes.

2. Lens Care Solution

Your lenses will need to be cleaned every day. Use a branded lens care solution for both the lenses and make sure you change it every day. Do not use water in place of lens solution as this will damage the lens and interfere with your vision.  

3. Storage

Never leave your lenses out in the open as they will dry up and shrivel. Use a lens case and store them only in that. Many times we tend to put the lens for the right eye into the left side of the case and vice versa. Don’t do this as this may lead to the spread of eye infections. For branded contact lenses and eyewear in Dominica, visit Courts Optical eye care store close to you.

4. Always use fresh lens solution

No two ways about this. Using a fresh lens solution should be a priority. Reusing the same solution would mean transferring germs and bacteria onto the lens which could lead to eye infections.

Use fresh lens solution for contact lenses

5. Lens Care Routine

Follow a strict lens care routine to keep them safe and free of bacteria. Ensure you wash your hands with soap before handling the lenses. Use branded lens care solutions as prescribed by your optician. Also make sure you change your lenses once they pass the expiration date. Visit Courts Optical for contact lens dispensing service in Dominica to learn the proper and safe way of wearing contact lenses

Follow these tips to keep your lenses in good condition and to avoid any kind of eye infections and diseases.  

Location: Dominica

How to Have Fun With Your Eyeglasses?

How to Have Fun With Your Eyeglasses

Wearing eyeglasses doesn’t necessarily have to be boring or lacking variety. With so many new designs, shapes and colours, wearing eyeglasses can be fun, quirky and exciting. Gone are the days of nerdy eyeglasses that compartmentalized you in the dork-zone. Now, it has become more of a fashion statement and style trend. Today we will look at the different ways in which one can have fun with eyeglasses.

1. Play around with colours

There was a time when you were pretty much stuck with black and gold frames and there was little to no room for any other colour when it came to wearing eyeglasses. Well, that has certainly changed. Now you can choose from a variety of funky colours to spruce up your look. Eyeglasses come in a variety of colours ranging from pinks, reds, greens, blues, yellows and bright orange too. So, if you are someone who likes to experiment with colours, then buy a pair of eyeglasses with coloured frames to make it fun and unconventional. Coloured frames are always fun and make your eyeglasses unique and different.

Play with frame colours to make eyeglasses fun

2. Different frames for different occasions

Why buy one when you can buy many. Experiment with different frames for different occasions. You can buy a classy and formal pair of eyeglasses that would be specifically for work. Buy something more stylish and fun for when you are out with friends or engaging in recreational activities, for a party, an event or any casual outing. Make your eyeglasses fun as opposed to it being insignificant. It should become your style statement.

There are many shapes available such as round, square, rectangular and oval. Pick a frame that goes well with your face structure, and a colour that complements your skin tone.

3. Twinning with your best friend

This can be a lot of fun and can make wearing eyeglasses interesting and lively. You and your best friend can totally buy a couple of pairs of eyeglasses for different occasions and wear them together all the time. Twinning with your best friend is a great way to make wearing eyeglasses exciting. Visit your nearest Courts Optical eyewear store with your bestie and choose from a wide variety of stylish eyeglass frames in Dominica.

Match you eyeglasses with your best friend

4. Match eyeglass frame colour with your accessories

This is a sure-fire way to make wearing eyeglasses exciting and fun. You can pair it up with a stunning pair of earrings or an over the top necklace. You can also try accessorizing with scarves and bandanas which go very well with eyeglasses. Fuse and experiment with different headgear, earrings, neck pieces or even spectacle chains. They look extremely funky and cool. A nose stud or ring can also go very well with a coloured pair of eyeglasses.

When it comes to matching accessories with your eyeglasses, try and keep the colours uniform so your accessories don’t take away all the attention.

Vision screening is important before buying new eyeglasses

Before investing in a new pair of eyeglasses make sure your eye prescription is up to date. Make an appointment at Courts Optical close to you for a vision screening test in Dominica and get the right prescription for your eyes. 

There are many ways in which you can make wearing eyeglasses fun and exciting. Follow these simple tips and see how the experience of wearing eyeglasses changes immensely.

Location: Dominica

Five Reasons to Get Your Eyes Examined Regularly

Reasons to Get Your Eyes Examined Regularly

More often than not, we tend to ignore eye related issues until after it is too late and a disease has taken over. This is an unhealthy habit that one needs to eliminate because eye related issues don’t necessarily come with a forewarning. So, in order to avoid irreversible damage to the eyes, your eye care specialist recommends regular eye exams to keep your eyes healthy and safe. Today we will look at five reasons to get your eyes checked regularly. 

1. Helps sustain visual acuity

Visual acuity is the eye’s ability to differentiate between shapes and details of an object from a certain distance without having to squint or strain the eyes.  Routine eye examinations play a vital role in keeping your visual acuity intact by ensuring that the quality of your vision does not deteriorate over time.

Maintain visual acuity with regular eye exams

2. Helps prevent the onset of an eye disease

It is anybody’s guess that regular examinations of any kind, especially of the eyes can help nip a serious issue in the bud. Experts recommend an elaborate eye examination at least ones every two years. This helps in the detection of eye related issues early on and can be treated at the early stages to avoid complications later on.

Diseases such as cataract, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy can be avoided with regular eye examinations. As the saying goes. A stitch in time saves 9. Learn more about comprehensive eye health examinations at Courts Optical Dominica.

3. Detection and prevention of other serious health issues

Regular eye examinations not only protect you from eye related diseases, but also detect many other serious health issues such as high blood pressure or hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol and cancer. Don’t put off your annual eye examination as this can help you detect and prevent other diseases that could be fatal.

Eye examination can detect serious health issues

4. Keeps your eyes healthy

Routine eye checks are very important as they help keep the eyes healthy and in good condition even as you age. Many of us notice a rapid deterioration in the quality of our vision as we age. Notice how built-in attributes such as sharpness, contrast and brightness gradually start to diminish as one gets older. Your vision starts to get blurry and you tend to squint more when you look at objects or even when you read. Routine eye checks can help eliminate this factor and keep your eyes healthy for longer durations. 

5. You only have one pair of eyes

As we know, the eyes are the most delicate sensory organ in the human body, and keeping them safe should be top priority. Putting them through regular eye examinations keeps them healthy and in good condition and ensures longevity. Make an appointment at your closest Courts Optical eye care center in Dominica.

Taking care of vision and eye health

So, if you are someone who does not go through regular eye examinations, this needs to change pronto. Ensure that you go for routine eye checks every year or as recommended by your eye care specialist, to make sure they are safe and healthy. 

Location: Dominica

What Steps to Take to Prevent Retinal Detachment?

What is Retinal Detachment

Retinal detachment is the separation of the retina from its normal position. It is a medical emergency. When this happens, the retina starts to separate from the underlying layer of blood cells that provide oxygen to it. This can result in loss of vision or even blindness. Since it happens spontaneously, it cannot be prevented but certain steps can be taken to lower the chances of it occurring.

How to prevent retinal detachment?

Retinal detachment is linked directly to aging. The best way to prevent retinal detachment starts with getting regular eye exams. An eye care professional will look for retinal tears, scarring, inflammation, or any other issues that could lead to the possibility of having total detachment from the eye. By having regular examinations with an ophthalmologist, you can make sure that any potential visual disruptions are picked up before they start causing bigger problems.

How to prevent retinal detachment

How to prevent traumatic retinal detachment

It is important to prevent eye injuries from occurring as much as possible. You can start doing so by wearing some protective goggles while performing activities that involve power tools or when you’re working with small objects that have a tendency of flying around (such as when you are using fireworks). This also applies if you engage in several contact sports such as boxing or soccer. In addition, it is wise to wear the appropriate eye protection beforehand in case you get hit directly on one of your eyes which could lead to detachment of the retina. Learn more about safety glasses in Dominica at Courts Optical eye care store.

Retinal tears

If a retinal tear is present, your healthcare provider will examine it before deciding on the treatment plan. This will depend on the type of tear and further examination of the eye, whether there is an existing retina disorder, your medical history and any previous circumstances regarding this kind of injury, etc. Laser photocoagulation or cryopexy may be used to repair any tears to prevent retinal detachment.

Retinal tear can be repaired to prevent retinal detachment

If you notice detached retina symptoms, see your ophthalmologist right away or go to the nearest emergency room.

For eye health examination in Dominica, visit your nearest Courts Optical eye care centre in Dominica.

Location: Dominica

Role of Safety glasses in High-Risk Work Environment

Role of Safety glasses in High-Risk Work Environment

Safety glasses are an important part of any work environment. If you are working in a high-risk environment, whether in construction, manufacturing or in any other industry, you need to protect your eyes from injuries. This post will talk about the role of safety goggles in high-risk work environments.

Protection from external hazards

Safety glasses protect eyes from debris and flying objects

Workers in high-risk industries such as construction and manufacturing require appropriate and protective safety gear to shield their eyes from debris and flying objects, especially when working at heights. For industries where the risk of eye injuries is extremely high, one of the most common types of safety goggles used for this purpose is the safety goggles with side shields.

Contact with radiation

Protecting the eyes of employees is essential for business success! Exposure to harmful radiation can be hazardous to their vision. That’s why all industrial environments where employees are exposed to radiation are obligated to use the best eye protection on the market.

Safety goggles provide better protection than glasses

Safety from metal particles

There are industries in which workers are exposed to high temperatures in the air. For example in metal refineries or thermal power plants or industries in which minerals are processed for cement manufacturing. These areas have very hot iron vapor in the air that can affect the worker’s eyes. The same goes for dealing with automobiles in a garage. One easy and effortless way to help prevent dangerous damage to the eyes is by wearing safety goggles when working in these high-risk industries!

Safety goggles are a preferred option over safety glasses as they have a wrap-around design with foam cushioning that surrounds the eyes with added protection, thereby reducing instances of stray light or objects hitting one’s eye.

Protective eyewear is a must in high risk work environment

Whether you need a pair of safety goggles or glasses will depend on what type of work you do. If you are getting safety goggles, check if they provide adequate fit to your industry’s cut and size requirements so that they do not impede your vision or cause discomfort while wearing them. Visit Courts Optical eye care store in Dominica to learn more about safety eyewear.

Location: Dominica

Can Obesity Affect Your Eye Health? Let’s Find Out

Can Obesity Affect Your Eye Health

Obesity; A concern that looms large in many minds. Obesity has become a rather common cause for concern in many countries across the globe, and healthcare workers are liaising with experts to find ways to bring about awareness when it comes to the multiple hazards of being obese. Obesity can not only make you feel self-conscious and low on self-esteem, but can wreak havoc on one’s health. It increases the risk of contracting many diseases that directly affect your internal as well as sensory organs. In this article, we will look at how obesity can be detrimental to your eye health. 

Obesity and diabetic retinopathy:

So, what happens to your eye health if you suffer from obesity and how does this affect you?  One of the primary concerns of obesity is diabetes.

Diabetes can lead to diabetic retinopathy

Diabetes can have negative effects on the eyes that can lead to diminished vision. Diabetes can lead to diabetic retinopathy, a diabetes complication that causes damage to the blood vessels of the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye and can even lead to blindness. Did you know that blurry vision could be a sign of uncontrolled diabetes? Read about 8 things your eyes reveal about your health.

Obesity and high blood pressure:

High Blood Pressure or Hypertension is another serious concern that comes with obesity. What this does to the eyes is that it renders the optical nerves and tissue weak resulting in poor vision. The damage caused by high blood pressure to the delicate blood vessels that supply blood to your eyes can lead to optic nerve damage that can cause bleeding in the eye and lead to vision loss. Damaged blood vessels can cause fluid build-up under the retina that can result in distorted vision.

Protect your eyes from High blood pressure

If you suffer from obesity, consult your general physician to understand what it is that you can do to prevent your eyes from further damage and from contracting optical diseases. Additionally, get a comprehensive eye examination to make sure there are no unnoticed issues with your eyes that need urgent attention.

More people are now becoming aware of the negative impact of obesity on the eyes and other important organs and are working on ways to prevent this. Regular exercise and a nutritious diet can help in reducing the risk of obesity induced eye conditions. 

Eat health diet to avoid obesity

A healthy lifestyle change can work wonders when it comes to taking care of your eyes and disease prevention due to obesity. 

Location: Dominica

How do Sunglasses Protect Our Eyes?

How do Sunglasses Protect Our Eyes

When you think about sunglasses, you may focus more on how they look than how they actually protect your eyes. You may think that these stylish eyewear are just a fashion accessory, but there is more to them than just being trendy. Here are some ways in which sunglasses protect the health of your eyes.

Sunglasses help protect vision health

Protection from UV rays

Sunglasses protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays coming from the sun, stopping it before it reaches your retina. UV protection prevents serious eye diseases like cataracts. You can safeguard your vision for years to come with something as simple as wearing high-quality sunglasses. You can choose from a quality collection of sunglasses in Dominica at your nearest Courts Optical eye care store.

Protection from dust

When we are outdoors, our eyes are constantly exposed to dirt, dust and environmental pollution. These dirt particles can come in contact with your eyes and cause  irritation. Sometimes, they can also lead to corneal scratches which eventually cause vision problems. 

Sunglasses protect our eyes from UV rays and dust

Prevents headaches

The sun’s bright light can cause headaches and trigger migraines if one isn’t careful. To prevent this from happening, wear a quality pair of dark sunglasses that reduce the brightness of  sunlight before they reach your eyes. Not only this, wearing sunglasses while you are out will help you view your surroundings clearly without having to squint and strain your eyes.

Keeps you safe while driving

Sometimes, the bright blinding glare caused by the sun’s rays can really distract you from seeing anything on the road ahead. Wearing polarized sunglasses will protect your eyes from glare by blocking the rays of the sun that are reflecting off of flat surfaces such as the glass of your car.

Driving is safer with polarized sunglasses as they  protect your eyes from glare

Apart from these wonderful benefits, sunglasses also protect the delicate skin around your eyes from UV rays and prevent wrinkles

Location: Dominica

Be Forever 18 with Cool and Stylish Eyeglass Frames

Be Forever 18 with Cool and Stylish Eyeglass Frames

Eyeglass frames come in myriad shapes and sizes. They are designed for a wide range of age groups, gender and preferences. Your eyeglass frames serve as a powerful statement of personal style. They can change the way we look and the way we present ourselves to others. This post will focus on a few tips and tricks that can help you find the right pair of eyeglass frames and help you look and feel forever 18. 

Look young and chic with the right frames

When it comes to choosing eyeglasses, people tend to stick to the same ones which they have been using for years. These same frames can make you look a tad bit older. While aging gracefully is essential and certain signs of aging such as wrinkles and grey hair are part of this natural process, you can certainly add some zing and colour by picking cool and stylish frames that can make you look more youthful and help you show your fun side.

Looking youthful and fun with cool eyeglass frames

Since your eyeglasses are a piece of your everyday accessories, choosing the right set matching your personality becomes even more important. Fashion inclined people tend to gravitate towards trendy eyeglass frames, which elevates their look and makes them look uber-chic!

You can choose from a wide range of branded and stylish eyeglass frames at COURTS Optical Dominica eye care store located close to you.

Get the look right

Are you afraid of taking the risky route for your frames? Fret not because here are some basic tips you can follow to get the look right.

Choosing eyeglass frame for your face shape and personal taste
  • While you focus on style, do not forget to consider the frame shape. The right frame shape can drastically elevate your look.
  • Opt for a colour palette that matches your skin tone and hair colour. These are two prominent features that will affect how the frames will look on you.
  • Remember to coordinate your jewellery metal with the colour of your frames.
  • Cut down on other accessories or wear small-sized accessories so that your frames remain the statement pieces.
  • Match your makeup colours with the colour of your frames.

Make an appointment at Courts Optical eye care centre in Dominica to get a complete eye examination, and then head to the spectacle dispensing section to find yourself a cool and stylish eyeglass frame that also matches your personal style.

Right eyeglass frames can make you you fabulous with minimal effort

Eyeglass frames can be more than a boring tool to support your vision correction lenses. The right eyeglass frames have the power to change a look from drab to fab in a matter of minutes.

Location: Dominica

Top Five Vision Screening FAQs

Five Vision Screening FAQs

A vision screening is a test that checks your vision acuity. A vision screening can help detect refractive errors of the eye such as myopia (nearsightedness) and hyperopia (farsightedness). It can help identify changes in the prescription of the corrective lenses of people who already have refractive eye errors. Regular vision screening is an important part of vision care routine.

Here are the top 5 FAQs related to vision screening:

Q1: Should children get vision screening done?

children must get vision screening done

Vision screening is an important part of eye care for children. Assessing the visual health in children is necessary to find out if they need corrective lenses. This way any refractive error can get picked up early on and fixed before it gets worse. It is highly recommended for children to undergo vision screening as bad eyesight can affect their performance in school.

Q2: What is the difference between a vision screening and an eye examination?

A vision screening is the first step in the process of identifying a possible issue with vision. However, it is important to remember that a vision screening isn’t a substitute for an eye examination. An eye examination is more comprehensive and is used to detect signs of eye diseases and their underlying causes.

How is vision screening different from eye examination

Q3: How often should I get my vision screened?

If you’re above 18 years of age, you could get this done every 5 years. If you’re above 40 years, you should get it done every 2-3 years. In Dominica,  you can make an appointment for vision screening at Courts Optical eye care centre located close to you.

Q4: How do I know if I need vision screening?

If you are experiencing frequent headaches, blurry vision and sensitivity to light, all of these signs could indicate weak vision. If this is the case then visit your eye care professional for vision screening to check if you need prescription eyeglasses. Read more on five signs that indicate you need eyeglasses.

Vision screening will show what prescription your eyeglasses will have

Q5: Do I need to prepare for my vision screening?

If you already have prescription for your eyes, make sure to carry them with you. Also, remember to tell your eye care specialist about all the vision difficulties you are facing and if your family has a history of any vision condition.

Visit Courts Optical for eyeglasses, contact lenses and sunglasses in Dominica. Modern lifestyle has made us dependent on various digital devices like laptops and smartphones due to which our eyes are constantly at a risk of vision deterioration. Therefore, making healthy eye care choices such as regular vision screening and eye examination is important for maintaining healthy eyes and  vision.

Location: Dominica