How To Take Care Of Your Contact Lenses

We depend on our eyes from the moment we wake up in the morning till we retire to our beds at night. Imagine how difficult life would be without vision. Therefore, importance of eye health care and maintenance cannot be emphasized enough. Proper eye care becomes even more important for people who are used to wearing contact lenses. Contact lenses are directly placed on the surface of our eyes hence making them more susceptible to infections.

Best place to buy contact lenses in Dominica

1. The first thing every contact lens wearer must take care of is that they have the right prescription for their lenses. Lens prescription can change with time and therefore getting your eyes checked regularly makes sure you are not wearing incorrect prescription.

2. The main reason to take utmost care of your lenses is the risk of infection. If the lenses are not cleaned properly and sterilized well it could breed bacteria that in turn can lead to eye infections. Follow proper cleaning, sterilizing and storing method for your lenses to keep your eyes safe from infections.

colored contact lenses in dominica

3. Eye infections can turn very serious and can even lead to permanent damage to your eyes resulting in vision impairment and even blindness.

4. Well maintained lenses last longer. By giving them proper care you can extend their life. So by simply following proper cleaning, sterilizing and storing routine, you will help your lenses last longer and stay free of infections. This will also ensure that you make the most out of the money spent on purchasing these lenses. A neglected pair of lenses will get spoilt sooner and will have to be replaced more frequently.

contact lens shop in dominica

5. If you are new to wearing lenses then you need to make yourself familiar with the care and maintenance procedure of your lenses. Your contact lens dispenser will brief you on this. Here are few things you need to always keep in mind:

  • Always use lens solution to clean your lenses. Never use water.
  • Remove your lenses before shower or swimming.
  • Always remove your lenses before going to sleep.
  • Clean you lens case with lens solution
  • Replace your lens case at least once a year.
  • Always use fresh lens solution to store your lenses.

colored contact lenses with prescription

Hope you have found this article helpful.

Best place to buy contact lenses in Dominica

Optometrist in Dominica

Colored contact lenses with prescription

Optometrist in Dominica

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Clarity Contact Lenses In from Courts Optical

Clarity is a contact lens brand introduced by Courts Optical in all its 11 markets including Dominica. Courts Optical often refers to Clarity product as a “superlens” because of their many benefits. These lenses are made from special material that is stronger, yet thinner and lighter than other lenses. This is a special type of polycarbonate which allows lenses to be thinner and stronger than ordinary lens material.

Prescription contact lenses

Clarity’s photochromic lenses are called Clarity Sunfast lenses, Photochromic lenses turn darker when exposed to sunlight and return to their original color when indoors. These lenses are a more convenient option to having to switch between prescription glasses and sunglasses. Additionally, Clarity Sunfast lenses offer UV protection up to 400 nm. This is the maximum wavelength for ultraviolet light hence offering best protection to your eyes from the Sun. Majority of lenses can protect your eyes from ultraviolet wavelength of only up to 100nm. Photochromic lenses are also known as Transition lenses, after the most widely-known brand photochromic contact lens brand. Clarity SunFast lenses are exclusively available at Courts Optical stores in Dominica and are a more affordable alternative to Transitions-branded lenses.

Contact lenses in Dominica

Clarity lenses are also hydrophobic. This feature makes the lenses capable of repelling water similar to how the bodywork of your car repels water after it has been waxed. They are also oleophobic, which means they repel grease assuring higher degree of hygiene and comfort.

Many lenses have started coming with an anti-reflective or AR coating. It is a thin membrane applied to the outer surface of the lens. An anti-reflective coating helps reduce the impact of reflective glare for better vision and higher levels of comfort for your eyes. If you spend a lot of time in front of a computer, or driving at night, then lenses with AR coating makes the experience more comfortable, and also helps reduce negative effects of excessive computer use such as eye strain and headaches.

Multifocal contact lenses in Dominica

Clarity lenses are different from other lenses as it features an anti-reflective element that is built into the lens. This reduces the risk of the coating cracking over time as well as giving you comfort and protection from glare.

Clarity lenses come as both clear and photochromic lenses and also feature anti-scratch technology. The Clarity brand also offers freeform lenses. This is the latest development in lens technology and permits far better precision in the manufacturing of lenses.

Courts Optical introduced Clarity Colour Contact Lenses to the market in 2016. These contacts are plano which means they do not have a prescription. They come in four different colours allowing you to experiment with your look.

Source: Contact lenses in Dominica

Prescription contact lenses

Multifocal contact lenses in Dominica

affordable eyewear in Dominica

Photo Credit: Google Images

What is Glaucoma And How to Prevent It

Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions related to progressive optic nerve damage. The optic nerve transmits images from the retina (the light sensitive membrane attached to the inner surface of the eye) to the brain.

Vision check up

The four main types of Glaucoma are:

  • Chronic glaucoma (slow onset)
  • Acute glaucoma (sudden onset)
  • Secondary glaucoma (caused due to another eye condition)
  • Congenital or developmental glaucoma (a condition in babies caused by malformation of the eye)

Glaucoma if left untreated can even lead to blindness. It is one of the leading reasons of blindness. Glaucoma is usually caused due to high eye pressure. If you feel pressure within the eye, this may indicate development of glaucoma. This pressure build up can damage the optic nerve that transmits images to your brain and thus leads to progressive vision impairment. However, it can also occur with normal eye pressure therefore regular eye examinations for early detection & treatment is a must to save your eye.


Regular eye tests become even more crucial as you grow older since the risk of glaucoma increases with age and if left untreated it can cause blindness.

You are at risk of developing glaucoma if you:

  • Have family members with glaucoma.
  • Are highly near-sighted.
  • Have had an eye injury.
  • Have diabetes, high blood pressure, poor blood circulation or other health problems affecting the whole body.

There are a few things to do to keep this eye condition at bay or delay its onset.

Pressure test eye exam in Dominica

Regular Eye Check-ups – Thorough Eye examination is required once every two years. The frequency needs to increase after the age of 60. Best way to deal with Glaucoma is early detection and treatment.

Protect Your Eyes – Use safety eye-wear and eye protection gear while working with power tools to keep your eyes safe from injuries. Serious eye injuries can lead to Glaucoma.

safety glasses

Exercise – Mild exercise can help reduce eye pressure and keep your eyes healthy

Glaucoma eye drops – Take these eye drops prescribed by your doctor to substantially reduce the risk of high eye pressure which could progress to glaucoma.

Source: Courts Optical Dominica

Vision check up

Pressure test eye exam in Dominica

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