What Do Your Eyes Say About Your Health?

What Do Your Eyes Say About Your Health

Eyes are our windows to our overall health and well-being. An eye examination not only reveals various conditions of the eyes but can also give your doctor a sneak peek into other health issues. However, there are few signs you can pick up on your own which indicate that your body needs immediate medical attention.

Vision degeneration: Cloudy vision which is caused by high or uncontrolled sugars which cause small blood vessels in the eyes to leak. This condition is also called diabetic retinopathy. If treated in time can save your central vision but mar the felicity of the side view.

Cloudy vision can indicate diabetic retinopathy

Eyes popping out: If you notice your eyes protruding or popping out it’s time to check your thyroxin gland, commonly known as T3, T4 and TSH. The hormones go hay wire causing your eyes to pop out. It can also lead to hazy vision, sudden weight gain or loose motions and shivering hands. Medication can help the hormones stabilize.

Thymus gland: If you observe droopy eyes over a period of time it’s a sign of caution that your frail immune system has led to the deterioration of the eye muscles. A visit to the medical practitioner usually resolves the problem but at times calls for surgical interference.

Grey Cornea: Also known as corneal arcus, one may notice a grey lining of fat deposits around the outside edge which is visible on the anterior surface of the eye. This cautions you about high LDL or cholesterol levels.

Eyes can cautions us about high cholesterol levels

Pale eyes: When you in the mirror and notice the white area of your eyes having a yellowish tinge or are pale, it signifies that you have high levels of bilirubin which has caused tenderness in your liver also known as jaundice. Medication and lifestyle modification may improve the condition. However, if there are tiny yellow spots it means that the eyes are excessively exposed to the sun and require a small process.

Flickering of the eye: Normally known as twitching of the eyes is due to consumption of alcohol, sleep apnea, caffeine intake or formation of gas. Taking a day’s break from work or just slicing up some cucumber to cool off those weary eyes can bring relief.

Book an appointment with the experts at Courts Optical eye health care center in Belize.