Astigmatism – Causes and Correction

Astigmatism Causes and Correction

For most people, the eyeball takes a perfectly spherical shape. This helps light refract properly to offer you a clear line of sight. When your eyes deviate too far from the round shape, it is unable to bend light correctly and can cause vision errors. This makes it difficult to focus on objects, leaving them with a blurry appearance. This condition is referred to as Astigmatism.


Astigmatism is normally present from the time of birth. However there are cases where the condition develops after sustaining trauma or injury to the eyes, as an unwanted side effect of eye conditions or diseases or due to surgery.

Healthy eye vs eye with Astigmatism
Photo credit:

It is also common to find astigmatism coupled with other refractive errors i.e. myopia and hyperopia. Under rare circumstances, a vision condition called Keratoconus, could trigger Astigmatism.

Symptoms and Diagnosis – If you are suddenly facing the following symptoms, head to your eye care professional for an eye examination.

  • Blurry vision or distortion
  • Strain in the eyes 
  • Strong headaches
  • Trouble with night vision
Strong headaches could be a sign of refractive eye errors

The symptoms tend to develop slowly, but regular visits to your eye doctor ensures adequate testing for a faster diagnosis and solution.


If you have been diagnosed with Astigmatism, there are three possible correctional treatments you can undertake:

Corrective Contact Lenses – Contact lenses work like eyeglasses to correct astigmatism. Contact lenses are also used in orthokeratology. This is a process used to correct the shape of the cornea by wearing rigid lenses while you sleep. However discontinuing this treatment will return the eye to its previous shape along with the refractive error. 

Corrective Eyeglasses – The lenses of corrective eyeglasses help makeup for the uneven shape of the eye. They also help correct other refractive errors. 

Using Corrective Eyeglasses to fix astigmatism

Refractive Surgery – Refractive surgery uses a laser to reshape the cornea, correcting the refractive error. You will no longer require external apparatus like glasses for clear vision. Consult a doctor before making the decision.

It is important to note that astigmatism cannot be caused by sitting in dim lighting for too long or watching the television too close. For an accurate diagnosis and potent solution, get a thorough testing done. For any eyes related concerns visit Courts Optical eye care center in Dominica close to you.

What is Causing Eye Pain – Top Five Reasons

What is Causing Eye Pain

Eye pain describes a sharp or sudden discomfort in the eyes. It normally takes the form of an aching, stabbing or burning feeling. More often than not, eye pain is the symptom of a treatable condition. However there are cases where the feeling is indicative of a bigger problem. Here are the top five causes of eye pain.

1. Cluster Headaches: Cluster headaches are strong painful headaches that attack one side of the head. They are likely to last anywhere between 15 minutes to 3 hours. Cluster headaches are able to cause a sharp, painful sensation in the backs of the eyes. Other symptoms include;

  • Red Eyes
  • Droopy Eyelids
  • Tearing in the Eyes
  • Swelling
Cluster headaches can cause redness and tearing in the eyes

Treatment includes medication and rest.

2. Foreign Objects in the Eye: The most common cause of pain or discomfort in the eye is the presence of dirt and debris. As soon as these substances come into contact with your sensitive eyes, they cause discomfort and pain. A quick but thorough rinse with clean water should help flush it out. If the pain persists, head to your optometrist or ophthalmologist for a full assessment. To avoid dirt and debris entering your eyes wear protective eyewear like sunglasses and safety glasses. Buy protective eyewear in Dominica at Courts Optical eye care store near you.

3. Uveitis: One of the more serious conditions that causes eye pain as a symptom, Uveitis affects uvea, the middle layer of the eye. Causes of Uveitis include eye trauma, contact with toxic substances, infection, autoimmune malfunction and tumor. Treatment includes anti-inflammatory eyedrops, antiviral and antibiotic treatments and corticosteroid pills or injections.

Reasons behind eye pain

5. Glaucoma: If you are dealing with sudden and severe eye pain, blurry vision, headache and nausea this could indicate the onset of a serious eye condition called glaucoma. Glaucoma is caused due to excessive eye pressure that damages the optic nerve. It is recommended to get a regular eye pressure test done to pick up abnormalities early on and to protect eyes from further deterioration. Visit Courts Optical near you for an eye pressure test in Dominica.

4. Issues with your Contact Lens: If the sharp pain began shortly after wearing your contact lenses, they may be the problem. Ensure your contact lens stays in one position and does not fold on top of the eye. A quick way to check for irregularities is a look in the mirror. If your contact lens is not sitting as it should, wash your hands and attempt to remove it. If you are unable to see it, flush the eyes with saline solution or distilled water till it becomes accessible.

Contact Lenses can cause eye pain and discomfort if not fitted properly

Eye pain is typically treatable if you head to your eye doctor as soon as symptoms present themselves. Seeking medical attention is your best bet to keep your eyes and vision safe.

Impact of Modern Lifestyle on Eye Health and How to Deal With It

Today’s environment hosts a number of factors that may aggravate the development of vision related conditions. The most common are:

1. The Impact of Technology:

Screens are everywhere, from our laptops, to phones to even the advertising on public transportation. As a result the eyes are exposed to blue light constantly. With every extended viewing session, the health of your eyes deteriorates slightly if adequate care is not taken. Keep your eyes well hydrated by blinking frequently, consuming lots of water, and introducing blue light blocking eyewear.

2. Pollution in the Environment:

Allergens, chemicals and pollutants are abundant in the air. Without adequate protection, the eyes are prone to irritation, dryness and in more serious cases, developing chemical conjunctivitis. Especially when travelling during peak pollution hours, keep the eyes and the area around the eyes well shielded using sunglasses that provide better coverage. You can find best quality branded sunglasses in Dominica at a Courts Optical eye care store close to you.

3. Cheap Junk Food:

Mass produced, unhealthy snacks are the quick, easily available alternative to an ideal balanced meal. The instant hunger solution may feel good now, but will definitely show up later. Consistent poor eating habits encourage the development of health conditions like cholesterol and diabetes. Additionally, without adequate nutrition and nourishment, the body progressively weakens. Keep yourself in top top shape by introducing packed meals for when you’re on the go and do not forget to hydrate!

Trying to minimize the effects of a modern lifestyle on eye health? Make sure you are; 

Blinking as often as you can – With the non-negotiable addition of screens into our daily life, help alleviate stress on the eyes by constantly blinking to help keep them lubricated. Ensure you take frequent breaks and keep phones and laptops at a healthy distance while using them. 

Give your eyes frequent breaks from phones and laptops

Avoiding alcohol and smoking – Alcohol (in heavy consumption) is known to weaken the muscles in the eye encouraging the onset of vision conditions. Smoking is a proven cause for  developing diseases like AMD and can worsen eye conditions like glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and cataracts. 

Exercising! – Exercising regularly is a great way to encourage blood and oxygen flow in the body, this helps keep the optic nerve healthy. Exercising helps strengthen the eye muscles, reduce the impact of eye strain and helps keep the entire body healthy. Keeping the body healthy discourages the development of long term diseases that could lead to development of various vision conditions. 

Exercise your way to healthy eyes and vision

Maintaining a Healthy Diet – Eating healthy and including dark, green leafy vegetables, as well as foods such as tuna and salmon that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids help keep the eyes nourished and healthy. A balanced diet offers an added layer of protection from developing eye diseases. 
Incorporating healthy habits and avoiding a health damaging lifestyle can help keep your eyes in good condition for a long time. For eye related concerns contact an eye care professional at Courts Optical eye care center in Dominica.

A Buyer’s Guide For Contact Lenses

A Buyer's Guide For Contact Lenses

Contact lenses have added a layer of convenience and practicality to addressing vision errors. Before settling on a set of contact lenses, here are the key pieces information one can benefit from before making a transition from eye glasses to contact lenses:

What Kind?

There are a number of materials and wear lengths offered for contact lenses, each with their own set of pros and cons. The type of material helps determine the comfort of wearing the lens and are offered in PMMA, Gas Permeable, Soft lenses, Silicone Hydrogel and Hybrid compositions.

Choosing the right kind of contact lenses

Another thing to consider is the wear length. Contact lenses are offered in a variety of wear lengths to maximize convenience. Depending on your lifestyle, options are available in daily disposable, weekly and monthly wear. It is encouraged to clean contact lenses every night to avoid infections and protect eye health.

Where From?

Post an eye examination, a prescription detailing the power requirements of your contacts or eyeglasses are shared with you. With this information, you can consider contact lens distributors near your location as well as online. 

While online shopping for contact lenses have many great deals to make the purchase more affordable, make sure to ask for a trial kit before you settle for a pair. If you are looking for professional guidance with your decision, head to your nearest Courts Optical eye care store for contact lens dispensing services in Dominica.

contact lens dispensing service for right fitting contact lenses

Good Fit?

To ensure the best fit of the lenses, the prescription will include information for the dispensing optician to indicate what would be the best fit. This includes criteria like:

  • Spherical shaped lenses to address myopia and hyperopia.
  • Toric contact lenses to address astigmatism
  • Multifocal lenses to address multiple refraction irregularities at the same time.
  • Diopters or power indicating degree
  • The base curve to create the best fit 
  • Diameter of the lens


Good aftercare is the key to maintaining your contact lenses and keeping your eyes infection free. Carefully selecting the disinfecting liquid, storage unit and wearing practice help keep infections away from the eyes that could cause long term side effects. Always use a lens solution to clean, disinfect and store your lenses. Change your lens case every three months.

contact lens proper care keeps your eyes infection free

Contact lenses can provide an easy solution to sight correction. Still unsure about taking the plunge? Ask your optician or optometrist in Dominica at Courts Optical near you for more information and possibly trial lenses to desensitize the eyes to regular contact wear.