Protecting Our Eyes from Digital Strain

Protecting Our Eyes from Digital Strain

Technology spares none. Truer words were seldom spoken. In today’s day and age, we are all exposed to technology in some way or the other. Most of us work jobs that demand continuous exposure to digital screens such as computers, smart phones, tablets etcetera. And if it’s not work, it’s entertainment in the form of video games, television, and other electronic devices. While technology has made life easier, it comes with its own disadvantages.

Using a smartphone has its benefits but it puts a lot of strain on your eyes, causing gradual but permanent damage. However, there are preventative measures that one can take to protect the eyes from digital strain.

Importance of taking steps to protect our eyes from digital screens

Lighting in the room: This plays a vital role when it comes to protecting your eyes from digital strain. If you are a TV junkie, consider altering and regulating the lighting in the room to prevent eye strain from your television screen. A well-lit room can be easier on the eyes especially while watching television or playing games on the computer screen. Take timely breaks. Pause. Watching television continuously can be extremely strenuous for our eyes. Pause every twenty minutes and look away from the screen for at least twenty seconds before you resume.

Use protective eyewear: If your job entails excessive screen time and there’s no dodging it, the best thing you can do for your eyes is to wear protective eyewear. Anti-reflective eyeglasses are extremely helpful for those who have no choice but to work with computers and smartphones for the better part of their day. You can buy anti-reflective eyeglasses in Dominica at your nearest Courts Optical eye care store.

Take breaks and blink often: This little trick works like a charm when it comes to minimizing digital strain on the eyes. Use gentle eye drops to keep your eyes moist and take breaks from screen time intermittently. Constant staring can dry up the eyes and cause irritation as well as long term damage

Change the settings on your digital screens: For instance, the brightness and contrast on your screens. These settings can cause extreme strain on your eyes. Reduce the intensity of these two settings to prevent excessive strain on your eyes. Don’t eyeball your computer screen. Keep looking away from time to time to avoid eye strain. The harmful blue light from your gadgets and devices has the capacity of penetrating the retinae and causing irreversible damage.

Because the eyes are extremely sensitive to light and radiation, it is very important to protect them from such harmful exposure, especially if you are someone who uses digital screens for most part of your day. Take preventative steps to keep your eyes healthy and your vision crystal clear.

Book an appointment at your nearest Court Optical location for a thorough eye and vision health examination in Dominica.