Why Do We Need Eye Pressure Tests?

Why Do We Need Eye Pressure Tests

An eye pressure test, or tonometry, is a part of all routine eye exams where the fluid pressure inside one’s eyes is measured. This test is generally done to determine if you are at risk of developing glaucoma. 

Normal to high eye pressure

If your eye pressure is between 12 to 22mm Hg then it is considered normal. However, if your eye pressure is high, it will be damaging to the optic nerve and will subsequently cause permanent loss of vision. Interestingly, the optic nerve can get damaged even when the pressure in the eye is not very high. This is known as low-tension or normal-pressure glaucoma. That’s why you need to regularly get your eye exam done to protect yourself from potential vision disorders and for your doctor to determine what eye pressure range is healthy for you.

eye pressure is between 12 to 22mm Hg then it is considered normal

Family history of Glaucoma

You will be at higher risk of developing glaucoma if your family has a history of it. The chances are even higher if they have acute, chronic or normal-tension glaucoma. If that’s the case, it would be prudent to get an eye pressure test done at regular intervals and take precautionary measures to prevent it. Make an appointment at your closest Court Optical for eye pressure test in Dominica.

Increase in eye pressure due to age

As you grow older, your intraocular pressure (IOP) increases. This increase isn’t very significant till the age of 40 years but becomes more significant between 40 to 60 years of age. To prevent the gradual loss in the vision till it finally becomes permanent, it is crucial to get your IOP checked.

Intraocular pressure increases with age

Other reasons that contribute to glaucoma are- near or far-sightedness, thin corneas in the middle, issues in blood circulation, previous eye injuries or infections, diabetes and severe headaches. 

If you have any of the above issues, it is all the more important for you to get your eye pressure test done frequently. As they say, prevention is better than cure!

Regular eye pressure test ensures healthy IOP levels and protects eyes from glaucoma

Visit Courts Optical eye care centre near you for a complete eye and vision health examination in Dominica.

Location: Dominica

Watch Out for These Five Signs of Myopia in Children

Watch Out for These Five Signs of Myopia in Children

Children these days spend too much time in front of their mobile or computer screens, unconcerned about the impact it has on their eye and vision health. Experts believe that this over exposure to digital screens is increasing the number of myopia cases in children.

What is myopia?

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a refractive error of the eye that affects our distance sight. In this type of vision problem, one can see nearby objects without any issues but have trouble clearly seeing objects that are far away.

And even though near-sightedness can develop in the later years of life, it usually occurs in pre-school children and continues to progress till age 20. Regular eye examination is important to keep myopia in check and prevent the condition from worsening. For a comprehensive eye check-up in Dominica, make an appointment with the eye care professionals at Courts Optical Dominica close to you.

Regular Vision screening is important to keep myopia in check

5 Signs of Myopia to look out for in Children

Parents must pay attention to certain signs that indicate a possible occurrence of myopia in their children. When children begin to develop myopia, these habits are the most prominent signs parents need to look out for.

  • The child brings books and mobiles closer to the eyes in an attempt to see well. 
  • The child rubs eyes frequently.
  • The child’s eyes are often watery and look tired. 
  • The child complains of persistent headaches. 
  • Squinting becomes normal for children with near-sightedness.  

Is Myopia Treatable? 

A child is likely to develop myopia if they keep books too close to their eyes when reading or if they spend hours in front of digital screens. A child born with an unusual shape of the cornea or a family history of nearsightedness may also be more susceptible to developing myopia.

excessive screen time among children has increased chances of developing myopia

Once it develops, myopia stays for life. Myopia can be easily corrected with corrective lenses. If a vision screening test detects myopia, your eye care specialist will prescribe corrective eyeglasses that will fix the vision defect and will help your child see clearly. Later on, when the child is older, he or she can even opt for corrective contact lenses or LASIK.

Ways to delay the onset of Myopia 

There are many important habits parents can teach their children that will slow down the progress of myopia so further deterioration of vision can be avoided.

  • Children should hold their books and mobile phones at forearm distance when they read or use their phones
  • They should give their eyes frequent breaks
  • They should avoid working or reading in poor lighting 
  • They must maintain a healthy weight and walk every day for 30 minutes to reduce eye stress. 
Children should hold their books at forearm distance when reading

Myopia is a common refractive problem that can be corrected easily with prescription lenses. If your child requires eyeglasses to see clearly, you can make them fun with some cool colours and trendy frames. Visit your nearest Courts Optical eye care store in Dominica for trendy eyeglass frames for kids and adults.

 Location: Dominica 

Do’s and Don’ts for Contact Lens Wearers

Do’s and Don’ts for Contact Lens Wearers

Whether you are a first-time contact lens wearer or have been wearing them for years, you have got to admit that you may not always care for them properly. Taking proper care of your lenses is crucial to avoid contracting eye infections that could even cause vision loss.

Here’s a list of do’s and don’ts of wearing contact lenses

Contact lens safety practice


  • The first and most important thing to keep in mind is to keep your hands clean while handling contacts. Use soap to wash your hands and wipe them with a clean, dry cloth.
  • It is also instrumental for you to ensure that the contacts are moist before placing them on your eyes.
  • Try to stick with one optometrist or ophthalmologist so they know your case history and can provide efficient solutions for your eye health.
  • Disinfect your contacts after each use.
  • Use a fresh solution to disinfect your lenses and avoid using a homemade solution.
  • Make sure to immediately remove them if you experience irritation in your eyes.
  • You must keep the lens case clean at all times to avoid infections.
Always keep the lens case clean to avoid infections


  • Do not sleep with your contacts unless approved by your eye doctor since sleeping with your contacts has a strong link to eye infections.
  • Do not put eye drops while wearing your lenses.
  • Don’t clean your contact lenses with tap water.
  • Never purchase contacts without a prescription.
  • Don’t wear your contacts while bathing.
  • Don’t wear your contacts while swimming.
  • Don’t dispose of your old contacts with the other trash.
  • Don’t wear your contact lenses past their recommended usage since it may cause corneal abrasions.
  • Do not ignore irritation and discomfort as they may be early signs of eye infections.
Visit professional contact lens dispensing service

With this list at your disposal, you will be better equipped at taking care of your eyes. Visit Courts Optical eye care store close to you for contact lens dispensing services in Dominica.

 Location: Dominica