What Steps to Take to Prevent Retinal Detachment?

What is Retinal Detachment

Retinal detachment is the separation of the retina from its normal position. It is a medical emergency. When this happens, the retina starts to separate from the underlying layer of blood cells that provide oxygen to it. This can result in loss of vision or even blindness. Since it happens spontaneously, it cannot be prevented but certain steps can be taken to lower the chances of it occurring.

How to prevent retinal detachment?

Retinal detachment is linked directly to aging. The best way to prevent retinal detachment starts with getting regular eye exams. An eye care professional will look for retinal tears, scarring, inflammation, or any other issues that could lead to the possibility of having total detachment from the eye. By having regular examinations with an ophthalmologist, you can make sure that any potential visual disruptions are picked up before they start causing bigger problems.

How to prevent retinal detachment

How to prevent traumatic retinal detachment

It is important to prevent eye injuries from occurring as much as possible. You can start doing so by wearing some protective goggles while performing activities that involve power tools or when you’re working with small objects that have a tendency of flying around (such as when you are using fireworks). This also applies if you engage in several contact sports such as boxing or soccer. In addition, it is wise to wear the appropriate eye protection beforehand in case you get hit directly on one of your eyes which could lead to detachment of the retina. Learn more about safety glasses in Dominica at Courts Optical eye care store.

Retinal tears

If a retinal tear is present, your healthcare provider will examine it before deciding on the treatment plan. This will depend on the type of tear and further examination of the eye, whether there is an existing retina disorder, your medical history and any previous circumstances regarding this kind of injury, etc. Laser photocoagulation or cryopexy may be used to repair any tears to prevent retinal detachment.

Retinal tear can be repaired to prevent retinal detachment

If you notice detached retina symptoms, see your ophthalmologist right away or go to the nearest emergency room.

For eye health examination in Dominica, visit your nearest Courts Optical eye care centre in Dominica.

Location: Dominica

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