Five Ways to Care For Your Contact Lenses

Five Ways to Care For Your Contact Lenses

Switching from the traditional eyeglasses to contact lenses? Well, it’s pretty evident that you have a lot of questions on how to take care of your contact lenses. If you are in the process of transitioning from eyeglasses to contact lenses, then you’re in the right place. A good place to start would be to do some R&D and understand what is required to make the switch. Read up on tips to care for your lenses to avoid eye infections and other relatively serious issues that may crop up due to improper use.

Proper contact lens use and maintenance

Here are some of the things you can do to care for and maintain the quality and efficiency of your contact lenses.  

  • Hygiene
  • Lens care routine
  • Replacement as per prescription
  • Never use tap water to clean your lenses
  • Use disinfecting solutions
  • Change the solution everyday
  • Don’t swap the lenses.
  • Store them in a proper lens case
  • Always use fresh solution  

1. Hygiene

Needless to say, this is one of the most important care tips when it comes to contact lenses. Always wash and dry your hands before handling your contact lenses. Your hands should be clean and free of any viruses or bacteria as this can find its way into your eyes, causing mild to severe eye infections. Wash your hands with soap and wipe them on a soft fabric before touching your lenses. Refrain from using moisturizers, body lotions or other cosmetics before touching your lenses as this can easily transfer to the lens and can cause burning and irritation in the eyes.

2. Lens Care Solution

Your lenses will need to be cleaned every day. Use a branded lens care solution for both the lenses and make sure you change it every day. Do not use water in place of lens solution as this will damage the lens and interfere with your vision.  

3. Storage

Never leave your lenses out in the open as they will dry up and shrivel. Use a lens case and store them only in that. Many times we tend to put the lens for the right eye into the left side of the case and vice versa. Don’t do this as this may lead to the spread of eye infections. For branded contact lenses and eyewear in Dominica, visit Courts Optical eye care store close to you.

4. Always use fresh lens solution

No two ways about this. Using a fresh lens solution should be a priority. Reusing the same solution would mean transferring germs and bacteria onto the lens which could lead to eye infections.

Use fresh lens solution for contact lenses

5. Lens Care Routine

Follow a strict lens care routine to keep them safe and free of bacteria. Ensure you wash your hands with soap before handling the lenses. Use branded lens care solutions as prescribed by your optician. Also make sure you change your lenses once they pass the expiration date. Visit Courts Optical for contact lens dispensing service in Dominica to learn the proper and safe way of wearing contact lenses

Follow these tips to keep your lenses in good condition and to avoid any kind of eye infections and diseases.  

Location: Dominica